Thank you Bonnie!
April 20th, 2021 – Declared Bonnie Zee Day!!

Thank you Bonnie!

Proclamation from
Mark Pocan
United States Representative
Robb Spangler was able to contact the Congressional Office of Mark Pocan in Washington D.C. The Congressional Office of Mark Pocan in Washington D.C. was able to make part of the Congressional record a special recognition for her public service, accomplishments, dedication and express their sincere appreciation for her service.
Additionally as part of the Congressional Record,
April 20th, 2021 – Declared Bonnie Zee Day!
The proclamation and the portion of the Congressional Record was provided by the Congressional Office dated April 16, 2021 the day it was introduced by Mr. Pocan on the floor of the U.S. Congress.

Proclamation from
Janis Ringhand
Wisconsin State Senator
Through the office of Janice Ringhand, Robb Spangler was able to provide and present a proclamation from the Wisconsin State Senate acknowledging Bonnie’s dedication to her office and the community.
The proclamation outlined her 46 year tenure and the State’s gratitude to her faithful and dedicated service.
This was presented in a formal and distinguished plaque provided by the Wisconsin State Senate.

Bonnie Zee joined by her husband Arlyn and family,
Glenn Holtsapple & many more.

Bonnie with Bob Bump, Former Chairman.