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ATV and UTV Use and Regulation Ordinance# 2021-01
Building Code Ordinance 1-2019
Driveway Ordinance – Ordinance 300-01 and Driveway Permit Procedures (rev. 08-08-2023)
Land Division Resolution 2001-01
Planning Commission Ordinance
Speed Limit Resolution
Town Road Ordinance – Minimum Design Standards
Vierbecher Final Land Division Ordinance
Ordinance Repealing and Recreating title 1 Land Use Regulation
This code is provided for informational purposes only. The formatting of this document may vary from the official hard copy of the code. In the case of any discrepancy between this version and the official hard copy, the official hard copy will prevail. This web version of the code may not reflect all of, or the most current, legislation that has been passed.
Only printed copies of ordinances are certified. Please contact the Township Clerk to obtain a current certified copy. Report errors at (608) 862-3000